The Icebox cooler for vehicles is a top-quality product providing the following advantages:
• The products you have to transport are guaranteed the
correct temperature according to regulations (ref. Norwegian Food Safety Authority)
• The Isebox is mobile and can be used as a cooling room
both inside and outside your car! This flexibility allows you to use the car for
other purposes than cooling.
• You retain the second-hand value of your car – both for sale and leasing –
and the Isebox can be moved to a new car.
Temperature test, Isebox
In March 2005, the Ytre Østfold regional office of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority carried out temperature measurements
of the Isebox cooler for cars. An ELPRO temperature logger was used, and placed
between the goods in the transport device. Measurements were taken at
10-minute intervals during the space of one working day. The results of the measurements were satisfactory,
in accordance with section 42 of the Regulation regarding food hygiene
(reference: The Norwegian Food Safety Authority, c/o senior consultant Leidulf Farstad and senior inspector Øivind Ingebretsen).